Last night, the Alliance for Women in Media, Southern California awarded four stand-out filmmakers and eight scholarship recipients (five of which were funded by the Fran Zone Foundation) at "AWM SoCal Celebrates", a special event held at Digital Hollywood.

Me at AWM SoCal Celebrates, a part of Digital Hollywood.
As Immediate Past President of the Alliance for Women in Media Southern California, I had the honor of presenting awards to the filmmakers and script winners. Best Short Script Gayla Gohel and Best Documentary Short winner Margaret Stapor Costa were present at the event.
AWM SoCal's Film Awards is an initiative I founded last year as a part of the Genii Awards and it's amazing to me how much the awards have grown in just two years. With more films and filmmakers submitting their work for consideration every year, I can already tell that next year's Awards ceremony will be bigger and better.

Me with Best Short Script Award Winner Gayla Gohel
I'm looking forward to awarding more talented filmmakers at the next ceremony.